March 17, 2008

Filem kita hari ini....

Salam... ukhuwwah fillah...

hurm.... it seemed like i'm not alone to comment how bad DUYUNG was...
ramai jgk yang kecewa dgn hasil terbaru Prof ni...
mekasih kpd sume yg post komen yer.... =)

sbenarnye aku takut nak komen dgn lebih ikhlas (a.k.a. sesuke ati mak bapak) sbb yelah...
ilmu pun blum cukup.... tapi aku ade pendapat aku sendiri berdasarkan secupak ilmu yg dah aku pelajari setakat ni... i'm a critical viewer....!! tapi aku tak kritik sbg pelihat bodoh...
thanx again kpd sume yg support...

untuk dikongsi bersama....nie maklum balas yg aku dpt dari email...

Hassan Abd Muthalib


Decided to play truant yesterday & go see DUYUNG.

I should have stayed put!

Those guys who made AYER MATA DUYUNG (Tears of the Mermaid, 1964), were prescient. They already shed tears for DUYUNG (2008) & what it was to turn out to be. If the producers had wanted to make a radio drama, they should have gone straight to the radio division in RTM & saved us the misery (& money!). Its talk, talk, talk from start to end. Theyre definitely going to win the Most Amount of Dialogue in a Film Award at the next Asia-pacific Film Festival. What were they thinking of?!! Where the heck did they learn to write a screenplay (I think it WAS a screenplay. The credits say so)?! And obviously they had never heard of pacing & tempo! It was one draggy scene after another. And plot points? Ha, ha, what's that?!

Saiful Apek had a fun time in DUYUNG reprising his host days of MELODI on TV3. Maya Karin also had a fun time reprising her stifled laughter in the PONTIANAK films she acted in for Shuhaimi Baba. And Maya really had a fun time repeating her smile from ANAK HALAL (but since shes cute - & pretty to boot, Ill let that pass). Aiyya, so many films they already make, still no improvement, how come ah? People power at the ballot box showed Malaysians cant be bamboozled by the papers and TV anymore. Dare we hope the same to happen at the cinema box office? That enough is enough!!! Arrrggghh! Can we also send the message that BLATANT (!!!!!) product positioning of cellphone companies (in DUYUNG & CUCI), budget airline (in CUCI) & massage machines (in SUMOLAH) has got to stop!! If the producers really need money, go rob a banklah! Why cant they be more intelligent & do it the way Mamat Khalid did with Power Root in KALA MALAM BULAN MENGAMBANG?

Staggering out after DUYUNG, I went to see AH LONG PTE LTD (Jack Neo, Singapore ). Ah, a breath of fresh air! Malaysia s Double Vision invested in it & it was also shot in Malaysia . Quite a bit of Malaysian jokes in it (with some of it in Malay). Neos films all have messages. So what? So do Spike Lees films, Teguh karya, et al. But the difference is, these guys are very cinematic about it.

The Indian guard from JUST FOLLOW LAW reprises his role & makes a brief appearance as the guy who insists that the law must be obeyed but gives up when faced by Malaysian gangsters. Neo is in the same league of Hong Kong filmmakers with his camera angles, editing & actor performance. He takes pot shots at Singapore s strict rules & laws, at Lee Kuan Yew, etc, & gets away with it. For the uninitiated, Mamat Khalids KALA MALAM… can be taken as a comedy; for the discerning, its a parody that develops into a tragedy (of the Malaysian film industry). Almost every one of Neos films (including AH LONG PTE LTD) are comedies that are also parodies & then turn into tragedies. Theres even fantasy but isnt that part of cinema?

Check out AH LONG PTE LTD now playing at GSC cinemas.

(PS: Maya Karin has great shoulders! But Mr Akmal Abdullah doesnt seem to have any mencemar budaya comments when he lauded DUYUNGs takings in his column - like he had of Ida Nerina in SEPET. I will wait for the erstwhile Faisal Tehrani & his take, especially after he had praised Razaks films well into the next life while bashing ANAK HALAL. Kairospirit, go take a hike!).

Respon daripada
Shahrul Ferguson frusstasi@yahoo.


Those guys u mentioned, all of them are the UMNO Baru Generation (which money making to the max, don't give a fuck about arts and substance). They have been molded by UMNO aka "sore loser" as to buat duit banyak2, lupakan hal lain, yang penting duit,duit,duit! ! Gone of the days where the art value plays a pivotal part in movie business. Nowadays, cerita macam gampang takpe, bangsa lain tak nak tengok fuck them, don't care less. Yang penting org Melayu still support. Well, that's the saddest part because all that we (Malay) got is some shittiest, lousy, fucked up, cliche, annoying films forever and ever. Can't somebody stop this movie business cronyism (Saiful Apek, Prof. Razak, Ahmad Idham, Fasha Sandha, Rosyam Nor) and please let in some new and fresh talents. Jangan sampai rakyat sendiri reject film Malaysia and support film luar, because the sign is everywhere already.

Respon lagi daripada

tak lah sampai mcm tu sangat filem kita.i think rakyat never reject it.rakyat reject kerja yang 'intelek' je....macam yasmin macam mamat khalid dan banyak lagi.i also dnt like prof works or ahmad idham but they are the player now....jadi apa yang cik shahrul cakap hanyalah kerana marah dan tak matang sungguh artitude anda.M also frm opposition side but ur perangai pun mcm orang umno tunjuk hebat tak tentu pasal.haiiya mcm ni pun ada.Jangan provoke lebih....dan jangan marah ha.....


urrmmm... dah berkait politik lak...
but putting those other miscellaneous aside, cuma amik topik perbahasan ttg ke'tempatan'an filem kita skrg ni... aku rase.... pengarah2 yg ade skrg ni (Malaysia lah....) terlampau mengejar keuntungan... buat filem ikut kehendak viewers.... yelah... sbb diorg2 ni lah yg akan datang tgk filem ni and bagi keuntungan mencapai target juta2 hengget yg disasarkan tuh...
kerana membuat filem dilihat sebagai bisnes mebuat duit, nilai seni dan kekreatifan sesebuah filem itu ditolak ke tepi....
sampai bile khalayak penonton nak disogok dan disorongkan filem2 stereotaip ni... kita sepatutnya dah melangkah ke era baru.... buat je filem2 yang orang tak suke tgk... biar diorang masak dan belajar berfikir sikit dgn filem2 macam karya yasmin ahmad misalnya...
masalahnya pengarah pulak tak ramai yang berani nak ambil risiko buat filem sebegitu... penonton malas berfikir... lalu kita seolah-olah mengikut telunjuk mereka dgn membikin filem2 mudah yang biasa sahaja supaya diorang senang faham dan dtg tengok...!!

inilah silapnya.... apa kata kite try skali tengok.... try test.... haha.... istilah ape nih...
lambakkan filem2 penuh subtext yang buat penonton berfikir... diorang nak dtg tgk atau x, jangan dihiraukan dulu... soal keuntungan jadi soal yang kemudian....

kalaulah lebih ramai pengarah filem seperti yasmin ahmad.... dia buat filem kerana dia suka buat filem... dia apply sume ilmu yg dia pelajari dalam filem2nya.... berkongsi ilmulah tu, tapi cara yasmin, dan melalui medium filem.... semakin ramai yg dah boleh terima filem2 bercorak sebegini... tapi tak kurang juga yg mengkritik.... mungkin golongan ni masih belum nampak apa yang org2 yang dah nampak, nampak.... huhu... fikir lame sikit...

biarlah filemnya menang kat anugerah skrin ke x.... menang kat Malaysian film festival ke tak... tapi buktinya filem2 seperti ni bagus dan dapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa.... haih...kalau orang luar pun boleh nampak dan iktiraf filem kita, kenapa tidak kita...??

hope in the future, filem2 tempatan kita diberi sentuhan baru...
nafas baru...
paradigma baru....
semua baru....

one step up ahead.....


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