This thingie came just at the right time.... Thanx, Affan.... I'm on top of your list to be TAGGED... huhu... since this TAG is kinda long.... so I took quite some time replying....
Name 5 people you can think of
right off the top of your head...
Just remember their names... If you keep forgetting, write them in a piece of paper... Don't read the questionaire underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you write the names randomly.
No Cheating!
anD thE TAG starts NOW...!!
Here goes my answer for the earlier question... the 5 people are.... : ^_^
1. Jaja tHe Jajan - tRuEst bUddY...
2. zUL ^LanGsi-cRew^ KiFLi - da' always-On-YM gUy...
3. aNna-Rina - a GrrrEat phOtogRaphEr...
4. Da 'S' gUy - miSta mEsmeRizin' sMiLe...
5. RaiZ Haris - gOod ^wacKo^ fRieNd
Reminder : Don't read ahead until you listed out five names you're thinking of...!

OKAY... You may start now...
Question 1 : How do you meet No. 1?
When I started studying in UiTM... I didn't really remember when was the point that we became close friends... huhu... coz we're of totally different personalities but I wonder how we can get along together really well... may God bless our friendship till the end of our lives... =)
Question 2 : On the Scale of 1 - 10, how do you rate your relationship with No. 1?
I would give it an 8... I hope I known her well enough at this rate... we shared quite a lot... huhu... hopefully...
Question 3 : How long have you known No. 4?
Not really that long... I just recognize him around early this semester...
Question 4 : How do you know No. 3?
Through a good friend's contacts on his Flickr page... I fell in love with the pictures she captured at first glance... just like that!
Question 5 : Where is No. 5?
He's currently studying in Cité University in Beaulieu, Rennes, France... He was here in Malaysia a few months back during his break... but I guess he went back there already by now...
Question 6 : A Fact about No. 1?
She might look serious at all times but if you really know her long enough, she's not what you see on the outside... she's a true camera freak...! And she's so good at it... You can never read her mind... give it a try... she thinks big, wide and intelectually... (haha... I'm not answering this according to question requirement... this is no longer a FACT, but LOTS OF FACTS... haha... forgive me... =P )
Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with?
Well... I don't think I wanna know... uhh... damn... please... next question...!
Question 8 : What does No. 1 do for living?
She does what I do... we're all students, remember?
Question 9 : Would you live with No. 3?
Whoa... really would love to...!! I'll learn all about cameras from her... I promise! I wanna be like her sooo badly...
Question 10 : What do you like about No. 2?
He has what it takes to be a Mr. Nice Guy... he's kind, cute, not a spoiled mummy's boy... uhuh... but for the time being, he's just a good friend...
Question 11 : Do you miss No. 5?
Yea... sooo much.... teh first and the last time i saw him was in March 2006... never seen him eversince...
Question 12 : Would you make out with No. 4?
Nope... Err... I don't know...
Question 13 : What is your opinion of No. 2?
He's nice... that's all...
Question 14 : What is your fave memory with No. 5?
We were together in PKTR - Program Kepimpinan Tun Razak, a two-weeks camp organized by Yayasan Tun Razak... that was the sweetest memory in my life... to get to know all 60 bright students from all around Malaysia... I remembered he was the wackiest among all... we all acted in a play during the last day performance... and we are of same star sign - Pisces. We're both borned in March... we sorta celebrated our birthdays together.. weee... how sweet... miss him... sobss... =(
Question 15 : What would you do if No. 1 going out with No. 2?
Aiyaiyai...! I can't imagine that ever happened! Going out together sounds okay... but they wouldn't make a good couple... seriously... they're of totally different interests and backgrounds... Huwahhh...!! A bad prediction ay... but.... uhuh...
Question 16 : Ever had a long conversation with No. 5?
Yeap... thru YM... it was on the last June 24th. We had a very long chat... we closed the session at around 5 in the morning... huhu...
Question 17 : Have you ever sleep at No. 2's house?
Nope... never even meet him... I first knew him from MIRC... then MySpace... then YM....
Question 18 : Do you hang out with N0. 3 often?
Nope... not yet... hehe... maybe someday...
Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
Erm... counting the time... it's gonna be Raiz lah... but not as much as I know miss No. 1... huhu...
Question 20 : How often do you talk to No. 1?
It seems like... everyday...! Unfortunately, we stay separately... if we're roommates, we sure would chatter 24/7...!
Question 21 : What about No. 2?
Only thru YM... yea... almost everyday in this week...
Question 22 : Have you every thought No. 3 more than a friend?
Nope... well... I would think of her as a super sifu sista, perhaps...
Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with No. 5?
Erm... I would say... yah... why not? But I guess that won't involve any lovey-dovey thingie... honestly...
Question 24 : Do you dream about No. 2?
Nope... how on earth would I...? but I once dreamt of this emo-guy pic he displayed in his MS page and YM... it's only because I think that guy in da pic is hawtt...
Question 25 : What did No. 4 did to you that you never forget?
He smiled to me yesterday...! Uuu... weee...! Lalala...
Question 26 : What have you done to No. 1 that he never forget?
Arh...? Did I ever did anything to Jaja that hurt her? That, I'm gonna need to ask her...
Question 27 : What is No. 3's hobby?
What else... it would absolutely be photography...!
Question 28 : Who do u want to tag next?
Jajan kOpi^^LuVa...!
Acakah Debab
Wan Chel
John Melawi
Fairuz 'BaJu'
abG Syali
Azizul Hafiz
Since it's a must-answer TAG... so people, there's no exception...!!
Happy TAGging...!
i never seen a list of people who nak kne tag SEBANYAK itu! hahaa. THANKS anyway! jom blanje saye berbuke. haha
wah aku kene tag?
hurt me?
kalau ade pun, i forgive u..
may b u tak niat nak buat ape2 yang hurt me.. kan?
always love you!
slagi ade manusia, slagi itu mereka diTAG... haha! saya sukaa.. eyh...kamu lah blanje... weee... =P
ye, kamu diTAG...! baru ingat nak anta reminder... huhu...
thanx sahabat... love u thousand times back... =D in no2..lala~
yea... it's you... lalala... =)
banyaknyer soalan..
tetiba lax kite ade penyakit xble kene tag..! haha~
hehe... takde²... sume kene jawab k... diulang... NO exception...
haha... tapi xpela, take ur time... sbb die agak pjg untuk dijawab kan... huhu... thanx for stopping by anyway... =)
alamak!mampuih nak jawab,soalan berputaq belit huhuhu
ok ill try
sori la zara.. saya tak suka melayan tag di dalam blog. saya hanya akan buat di dalam frenster je.. nnt blog saya nmpk bersepah la..sori ye..
huhu... mmg byk pusing.. sila lah ya...! trimas... =)
owh..! ok².. xde masalah.. nak jwb kat FS pun boleh gak... hehe... kidding... xpela klu gitu bro... thanx anyway kerna singgah... =)
senarai tag sepanjang ini memang memustahilkan aku menjawab tag tersebut..
ini kerana kebanyakan lelaki adalah..
haha... x apalah kalo gitu, muhsin... huhu...
+ kecik ati aku +
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