December 19, 2009

Trilogi Hati Mati


Semalam saya happy sekejap
Dah lama saya ketawa
Lalu semalam saya bekerja
Seronok rasanya
Working with a new bunch of friends
Gained me with something new

Sambil bekerja saya menimba ilmu
Saya lebih suka begitu

But yesterday was a bad day too
Didn't know what happened
It just started out of nowhere
But I faced it hard though
And got over it for good

Jadi saya tak risau lagi
Dan saya tahu
The person to be blamed was not you


Hari ni pun saya happy lagi
Ada suara yang tak pernah kedengaran
Berkumandang hari ini
Selain tu saya sempat beli sesuatu
untuk hari lahir mama lagi seminggu
Tiba-tiba saya teringat mama pesan
Don't laugh too much and never be too happy
Nanti berakhir dengan air mata
Betul cakap mama

Cause it happened as what she said
I cried myself in the night
Found out the truth that I've known long ago

Ya, saya terfikirkan kamu
Entah kenapa saya pun tak tahu
I knew 'that' part of you
and I don't give a damn
Whoever you are, I'd still love you
If you won't love me back, even
Allow me to be close to you
I'll be your friend
I'll be a good listener to you


Esok saya tak tahu lagi apa nak jadi
Saya doakan yang baik-baik saja
Untuk saya dan kamu
Yang pasti saya tak mahu menangis
Gonna save my tears for another day
Tuhan pun tahu
dan Dia pun sayang kamu.

Saya juga.
Apa pun kamu.



irza said...

wo, nice writing. yeah, sometime we can't be too happy, but we need happy. i always put this to myself.

"live life to the fullest, cause we never know, will there be tomorrow or not"

love is about to see the the perfect from the imperfect.

*correct me if my spelling is wrong. i hate english. hehe.

BEAN said...

rilek zara.. don,t worry, always be happy.

mapieceofart said...

i'm all cool... itu tulisan org lain... =)

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